I am the luckiest girl on the planet right now!
As I mentioned in my former post I got a package in my mailbox some days ago. The minute I saw who sent it, my heart started beating like a racing horse, and for good reasons. It's funny, in the age of nearly 55 I finally got my own America package. That is, a package in which I didn't know the content. I've heard of it since I was a little girl. America package is a very special and well known term where I live. Way back it was chewing gum that was the hottest, and lots of other stuff too. Now, the hottest is art! ( for me anyway)
See the beautiful handmade card on top?
Janet, my friend, you're my hero!
I first got to know Janet's blog a couple of years ago, and I clarely remember that the first pieces of art I saw were some cute funny girls wearing hats. They were made for a postcard swap. I fell in love instantly and have been following her since then. She makes some pieces called wintergirls too, and I have been dreaming of owning one of them. Guess what??
YES....I'm now the proud owner of one of her wintergirls. Yayyyyyy! And my girl is a real special one
Meet Miss. Millie.
As you see Millie likes to be out even in the winter and she is quite a busy bee. She's an entrepreneur and a smart one too. She's in the last stages of opening her own Dress Shoppe and right now she's on her way to meet with her advertising agents. She has asked them for some good ideas to her new businesscards. You see, Millie has been a great collector of dresses from the 50's and now found it was time to do something serious about it. These days that kind of dresses are more attractive than ever before and, of course, as the smart girl Millie is she knows that.
The next thing I found in the package was this beautiful piece. How
cool of Janet to make me a piece that express my profession in such a
great way. Janet knows that I'm an educated dressmaker and her idea
couldn't suite me better. Have a look at the details, what a clever

First thing that meets Millie, when in the agents office, is this great image of a dress and her newly made sign for the Shop. She emediately fell in love and signed a contract with them to print it as her businesscard. Out of the office again she thought of her next core, perhaps she should call up the models and meet with them as well since she had the time anyway. Yes, she called them and set up a meeting. Millie had been advertising for models for awhile, she need someone professional to the show she's planning. Someone that can show her dresses in a perfect way. Of all the girls that were interested, she has picked out four to be her helpers. And now, she wants to discuss with them and let them try the dresses to see what dresses each girl will be presenting. Oh, I'm so excited Millie said to herself, if only the show will be a success half the job is done.
Last but not least I found these four girls (in my head they are models) included in the package. I remember Janet showed them on her blog, but it was never in my mind that they one day should belong to me.
I'm so sorry you can't see the backgrounds properly, they are really something. Perhaps Janet will share her secret with us someday. It looks like the paint has been sanded or something, really interesting. I'm so glad for them and they will be part of a special "Janet display" I'm going to make. Janet is such a generous person, not in my wildest dreams I would think of getting all this art from her. The wintergirl alone was a dream come through, and then all the rest. Janet, a deep and heartfelt
The meeting went well and Millie had this special feeling she gets when things looks good. Two more days and the show was on. All the invitations sent and everything else in place. Now it was just to wait and keep the fingers crossed. She was more than happy with the models too, so what could possibly go wrong? The show came and went and were a huge success, she opened the shop and sold more dresses than she had ever hoped for. See, my Millie is a real special one!
If you haven't already been visiting Janets blog I highly recommend it, and not only a short browse. Take the time to dive into her arcives.
Make it your Sunday morning routine. There are lots and lots of goodies.
Some of the reasons I keep going back is first and foremost her art. I love what she does, and she does it with her own personal twist which attracts me. Another great thing is that she's an entertaining writer, often humourous which I also like. And, another fun thing is that each time I think I know her, she makes another turn and come up with something completely different and surprising. Which means,
she owns the ability to renew herself, but still takes care of what's hers. I think you owe it to yourself to get to know this girl. She
will surprise you, I promise!
Here is the link.
Are you still celebrating or do you make some art as well?