(or perhaps I should say dottings)
I've been trying a new tecnique.
These two blue ones was the first I made. I've used a white and a black pen and a little of a glitterpen. Ordinary pens won't show colour at this strong coloured paper. Most of them turn black or brownish grey. Best to use white or black or as I did, glitterpens.
The bookmark has several different colours made by glitterpens. The text says Good Book. While doing this bookmark some great new ideas came to me and I will try them soon.
When finished I felt like trying some more, and decided to make a painting (watercolours) showing the surroundings in where I live. I have seen a few original paintings and wanted to try it myself.
I did some sketching and started to paint.
And this is how it looked when the painting was done.
This is the point when all the fun starts.First thing I did was to line out the frame, and then I started to dot. All the white ones first. One has to consentrate, all the dots as even as possible and the space between them even too. No rules here, so as good as one can manage. My next image shows the painting when all the white work was done.
Isn't it amazing how the white colour can lift an ordinary painting not to mention a dull painting. I think it's the light in the white colour that does that job. I can assure you, this is a very exiting way of doing things. I could have stopped now and let the painting be as it was but I wanted to do a "real" one.

I've used a lot of symbols to tell about my surroundings. I've even invented some new ones. In the sky I've made a lot of stars and a couple of 'copters. Well there IS a lot of 'copters nowadays. If you want the whole story just search for Aboriginale symboles and you'll find my story. I have to add that my use of symbols is how I understand them it's not nessesary the right way to use them.
What did I learn from this?The first thing I learned was: always have a timer when doing this! Suddenly my husband was back from work and no dinner ready for him....Ouch.
It's so fun and also timeconsuming, but it's sooo relaxing. I don't need to meditate
nor do I need morning pages. This is a much more fun way of doing it.(just remember the timer though)
Next time I skip the symbols or I invent some new that feels more like me and now. I also learned that when dotting a coloured space the colour of the dots better be a little darker than the space itself. The more even the colours are the less the dots shows off. That's what I've learnt today.
What have you learnt today?
Here you are, this is my painting called " Where I live"
ENJOY and a very nice weekend to you all!