Last year I read about bookmaking and was curious if I could manage to make my own.
Well I could and the picture below shows the first one I made. It was not ment for anything, just to see if I could do it.
Later on I painted small images in my book and several people have wanted to have the book. I can't give it away so it stays at home. I'll probably use it as a diary when on a trip abroad.
The paper I used is a very nice water-colour paper. The papers are sewn into the cover and looks like a real book. That amazed me a lot.
Some of you might recognise little Michi. She is my little Japanese girl. I've written a lot of stories about her but a mistake made me remove them all from my blog. I have them as drafts though so I might publish them once more.

I had to try once more just to see that I actually could do it, and yes I could once more. ( two or three is my habit in life. hehe) I made images in this one too but I don't feel satisfied about them. Don't know exactly what for but that's the way it is.

The last one I made for a purpose.
I wanted to make a book with several signatures. I had plans for four but three signatures filled the cover. This book I would use to learn how to draw in perspective. Houses was the main thing, and it was easy to learn but the book was not suited for that. Too small. I made some attempts and my plan was to draw houses and their front doors. Made five before I gave in.
It was a good idea so perhaps I start over again in a more suitable sized book.

Best wishes to you all.