Sunday, December 30, 2012

Last post in 2012.

My hope for 2013


I've made a mandala and put my hope for coming year into it. To me my hopes are clear, but you might read it as you want to. The mandala is made the same way as always, only difference is that I used a A-3 sheet this time.
I planned on using my new ideas but it's so relaxing to make a mandala that I forgot to think about it. Next time I'll have to write myself a note to keep close when I'm working.
Some of the keywords for this mandala are: safety, unfolding, courage, protection, breaking new ground. It didn't turn out as I planned it but that's ok. I'm pleased on how clean it looks and airy. That's new.

We're going to celebrate the new year quitely, as always. Our choise.
I hope your celebration will be a good one too.

Happy New Year to all of you!

1 comment:

  1. its so beautiful, it looks almost 3d. We also are just quiet for New Years, we might go out for dinner with friends (early) but then its home, and usually we dont even make it up to midnight.
