Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A good day.

It's amazing how little it takes to get the mojo running.

I'm sure I could paint 10 cups a day right now, but I don't. Instead I'm going to try making some background papers or paper for later use. Todays cup is finished but I can't show off a cup a day for 50 days so I'll wait and show them together later on.
I told you that I asked my facebook friends for photos of their cups. I had a pretty good responce and am of course greatful for their help.
Right now this is how my workingspace looks like. It's pretty cool to make something that actually is nothing, just  let the mind rest and work with whatever the hand can reach. Listen to the radio and be glad to stay indoors. As my mother always says, there is good weather outdoors to stay indoors.

It's pouring down today which is a good thing right now since we did plant alot of bushes some days ago. That means we don't have to water them.
Handyman is calling for me, we're going out to buy him somthing for his coin collection. Well, I better go before he looses his mood.

Have a beautiful day you too!


  1. Hi Laila hope you have much sunshine come your way. Loving your art, so colourful. Brightens inside=D. Have you got the cd in the post yet? =D. Julie

  2. When I read "It's amazing how little it takes to get the mojo running" I thought about the art funk I've been in recently. I wish I could get my mojo running again!

    Your work space looks so neat! I hope you had fun making background papers. Did your husband get his coin?
