Monday, May 7, 2012

Just me again.

 A weekly self portrait.

My intention is to draw one weekly self portrait. The hardest thing so far has been to get a photo to use. But at last I got one that can do.
I find it too hard to have a mirrio sitting at my desk and then look into it while drawing. My art studying friend told me to draw my portrait without even a glance at the page. Draw just by looking into the mirror. Well, that will have to be later on. For now it's enough to draw myself.
Below is the photo I'm using for my drawing.

And here is my drawing. I used 10 min. I hope to improve by doing this once a week the rest of the year. Right now I see a lot of things that's wrong but I'll train my eyes. Isn't it hard to make it look like the one we are drawing? At least it's hard for me. My drawing doesn't look like me at all. It will be fun to compare my drawings when the year is gone. Hopefully I do some progress.

I had to show you my newly planted flowers. They look so great with all these raindrops on them.
Yesterday it was hailing and during the night some frost but these are doing well.

Have a nice week!!


  1. beautiful drawing and beautifu;l flowers, I love pansies,

  2. Oh wow, ten mins to draw yourself, this is great!
    Thank you so much for your beautiful message!
    I wanted to share, you shine your soul portrait in everything you create! :D Julie

  3. The flowers look beautiful. I'm glad the frost didn't bother them.

    You are so good at committing to projects. I like your idea of doing one of these self-portrait drawings once a week but I know I'd never keep up with it.

  4. I love the idea of ongoing self portraits. What a great way to see your improvements. I think it looks great, but I understand how you feel. I find it difficult to make my portraits look the way I want them too.
